Thứ Năm, 22 tháng 12, 2011

Classic FarmVille Trees revisit Market for National Tree Day, but where?

A slew of classic Trees have returned to the FarmVille Market in honor of National Tree Day (?). However, each costs Farm Cash, and Zynga didn't mention donating any portion of the proceeds to any green movement in particular. (Not that it has to do anything.) Perhaps it's strapped for cash after promising Save the Children $200 thousand for when the Pioneer Trail in FrontierVille unlocks. Right.

Anyway, there are 24 Trees in total that have arrived in the Market, and they'll only be around for another three days. Most of the Trees go for between 5 and 10 Farm Cash, though one asks for a whopping 20 Farm Cash: the Giant Bubblegum Tree. If you ask us, you're better off not spending like crazy on Trees that get constantly re-released in different colors through Mystery Seedlings, unless you're a proud collector, of course.

The Market promotion celebrates National Tree Day, but doesn't mention exactly what nation is celebrating. (As it turns out, there are a lot of National Tree Days.) Based on brief--very brief--research, we're gonna' go with .. Australia, which celebrates the eco-holiday on July 30. In the words of NBC Saturday morning TV: "The more you know!"

FarmVille National Tree Day trees

FarmVille National Tree Day trees 2

FarmVille National Tree Day trees 3

FarmVille National Tree Day trees 4

How are you celebrating National Tree Day in Australia from your neck of the woods? Do you think Zynga should donate some of these proceeds to the tree-friendly cause?

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